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City of Tonawanda Council Meeting with GAR about Assessments

I attended the Council meeting where a representative from GAR (the company who did the City of Tonawanda assessments) was there. Residents, including myself had the chance to talk and ask questions.

In my 3 minutes of talking, I stated my concerns regarding the mistakes made with my home and asked some questions that concerned residents had asked me. I also mentioned and wanted to make residents aware of the current and past council members who voted for this assessment and the tax increases. I feel that transparency is extremely important and residents should know which council members vote and how they vote on matters that effect all of us in the City of Tonawanda.

This is one of the many reasons that I have decided to run for City Council in the 2nd ward.

Lastly, below are Important Dates to remember for appealing your assessment.

3/17 - for questions or more information, you must call 1-866-910-17766 by March 17

3/31 - Supporting documents must be in by March 31. Research sale and assessment data and find comparables in your surrounding area. Print the informal review application. Email or mail the completed application with all supporting documentation.

Email is:
Mail address is: GAR Associates LLC, PO Box 378, Clifton Park, NY 12065

5/1 - decisions will be sent by May 1

5/24 - formal grievance deadline is May 24

7/1 - no changes will be made after July 1

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at my email at

I already filled out and sent in my appeal, so I can try and help you with your questions.
~ Chris Fisher

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