VISIONS FOR OUR COMMUNITY Keep taxes from continually increasing every year. Adjust the parking regulations so the overnight parking ban does not take effect on October 1st or last until March 31st when the weather is projected to be warm enough to allow for on-street parking. Ensuring forgotten sidewalks that need repair are fixed or replaced adequately. As a member of the city's primary legislative body, the Council; Chris will represent the interests of all the residents citywide by using feedback metrics. Creating a real-time information system allowing for the rapid deployment of essential information to the residents of our great city. Chris wants to work with the Mayor and all members of the council for the betterment of the City of Tonawanda, putting residents first. Being available to all residents, in all wards, to promote and foster ideas that benefit us as a community. Listen to ideas that can help benefit each person living in this city, from children to retir