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Union Rep and Fighting for People

As a Union Representative and Board Member for a benevolent association that represented the interests of it's members, and as a member of a political action committee for one of the largest public sector unions in New York State, Chris knows the importance of fiscal responsibility. Unions rely on fiscal stability to provide benefits and representation to all its members. Like a union, a city needs fiscal stability to provide services to its residents. Chris will fight to protect the fiscal stability of the City of Tonawanda while fighting to protect residents from the constant tax increases.  

Christopher Fisher in Albany, NY lobbying for members rights.

~ Below are images of Chris being active for over a decade. Chris has participated in different events and on active campaigns on his personal time and as a union rep.

Christopher Fisher with NYS Congressman Brian Higgins. 

Christopher Fisher with NYS Senator Tim Kennedy. 

Christopher Fisher with Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz 

Christopher Fisher and Daughter Lexi with NY Assembly Member Monica Wallace

Christopher Fisher with NYS Governor Kathy Hochul

Christopher Fisher with NYS Senator Tim Kennedy 

Christopher Fisher with Majority Leader Crystal People Stokes and Assembly Member Michael Blake

Christopher Fisher with NYS Congressman Brian Higgins 

Christopher Fisher with NYS Comptroller Tom Dinaploi

Christopher Fisher with Erie County Democratic Committee Chair Len Lenihan 

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